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American Academy of Thermology

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thermographie & Regulationsmedizin

European Association of Thermology

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Thermology international

Subscription necessary!Volume 21, 2011, Number 3


Publication Organ of the
European Association of Thermology (EAT)
American Academy of Thermology (AAT)
Brazilian Society of Thermology
Polish Association of Thermology
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Thermologie
UK Thermography Association (Thermology Group)

Editor in Chief: Kurt Ammer, Vienna, Austria
Section Editor [Technical/Industrial Thermography]: Rod Thomas, Swansea, Wales, UK

Editorial Board
I. Benkö, Budapest M. Brioschi, Sao Paolo Thibault de Boesinghe, Gent A. DiCarlo, Rom
T.D.Conwell, Denver J.Gabrhel, Trencin J.Giordano, Arlington K.J.Howell, London
A.Jung, Warsaw K.Mabuchi, Tokyo J.B.Mercer, Tromsш E.F.J.Ring, Pontypridd
H.Mayr, Wien H. Usuki, Miki R.Vardasca, Porto B. Wiecek, Lodz



Instructions for authors

  Thermology international Vol 23 (2013), No. 1: 4
  Kurt Ammer
  Screening for breast carcinoma: What is the place of infrared thermal imaging?

Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 81-84

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Original article  
  K. J.Howell, R. E Smith
  Temperature of the face in children and fever screening by thermography
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 85-89
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
News in Thermology  
  Phil Hoekstra

Comment on FDA Warning Letters to thermographic equipment providers

  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 90-91
  P. Tremblay, L. Belhumeur, M. Chamberland, P. Dubois, F Marcotte, V. Farley, P. Lagueux, J.Schubert
  Pixel-wise real-time advanced calibration method for thermal infrared cameras
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 92-93
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  I. Benkö
  Infrared recognition in integrated-circuit techniques
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 94-95
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  I. Benkö, G.J.Köteles
  Analysis of infrared images through histographic method
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 95-96
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  A Szentkuti
  Infrared image analysis for biomedical use: a review of established and emerging applications in 2011
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 96-97
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  H. Usuki, N.Maeda, H.Sutou, M.Ohshima, H. Kashiwagi, N. Yamamoto, S. Akamoto, M. Fujiwara, T. Takama, M.Hagiike, K. Okano, Y.Suzuki
  How we should use thermography in breast disease treatment?
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 98
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  M. Janicki, W. Kuzanski, Z. Kulesza, A. Napieralski
  Application of infrared thermography for the assessment of burn wounds depth in children
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 98-99
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
  F. Takao. M. Bo’oka, Y.Okumoto, H.Nakamura, N. Shintani, Y.Nakamura
  Correlation between autonomic nervous function and forehead/nasal temperatures in seniors during leg press
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 3: 100-101
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF


  Meeting Calendar

Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 102-110