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Thermology international

Subscription necessary!Volume 26, 2016, Supplement


Publication Organ of the
European Association of Thermology (EAT)
American Academy of Thermology (AAT)
Brazilian Society of Thermology
Polish Association of Thermology
UK Thermography Association (Thermology Group)

Editor in Chief: Kurt Ammer, Vienna, Austria
Section Editor [Technical/Industrial Thermography]: Rod Thomas, Swansea, Wales, UK

Editorial Board
M. Brioschi, Sao Paolo A. DiCarlo, Rom T.D.Conwell, Denver J.Gabrhel, Trencin
S.Govindan, Wheeling K.J.Howell, London A.Jung, Warsaw J.B.Mercer, Tromsш
E.F.J.Ring, Pontypridd H. Usuki, Miki R.Vardasca, Porto B. Wiecek, Lodz



Instructions for authors

  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), No. 1: 2


4th July 2016 in Gdansk 20th National Congress of The Polish Association of Thermology
  Time table
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S3
  Speakers and chairmen
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S4


Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S5-S17
  Subscription necessary!PDF
  R. Vardasca, J. Gabriel
  Is the low cost thermal camera FLIR C2 suitable for medical thermal measurements?
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S5
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  K. Ammer
  Does the type of skin temperature distribution matter?
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S6-S7
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  F. Ring
  The Infrared Controversy 1800 -1840
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S7
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  A. Seixas, M. Silva, M. Souto, J. Gabriel, S.Rodrigues
  Reporting Body Composition In Thermal Imaging Studies, General Or Local Measures? Preliminary Results.
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S8
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  J. Gabrhel, Z. Popracová 2, H.Tauchmannová
  Differential Diagnosis of Growth Pains In Thermal And Musculoskeletal Sonographic Imaging
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S9
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  E. Marianovic, K Howell
  Thermal camera performance at six sites
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S10
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  M. Sillero-Quintana, A. Lopez Diaz de Durana , D.G. Moreira , J.J. Fereira, C.J.Brito
  Skin temperature response on junior athletes after high intense judo training
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S10-S11
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  A. Pypkowska, A. Szczesniak, A. Jung
  The analysis of the cooling process of the breast area in women under thermographic monitoring
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S11-S12
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  A.L. Urakov, T.V. Urakova, A.A.Kasatkin
  Infrared thermography to assess the blood donors adaptation to blood loss
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S13
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  A.Trojankowska, A. Cholewka , M. Rzany, A. Stanek , Sieron-Stolny K, M.Kawecki , W. Marcol
  Thermal imaging in the evaluation of the carpal tunnel syndrome
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S14-S15
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  B. Kluwe
  Technical Challenges in Infrared Foot Screening
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S15-S16
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  G. Liszka , B. Englisz , G. Knefel, M. Kawecki, M. Nowak , A. Stanek. K. Sieron-Stolny, A.Cholewka
  Evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy effects in ulceration of cruras studied by thermal imaging and planimetry- preliminary results
  Thermology international Vol 26 (2016), Supplement: S16-S18
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