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American Academy of Thermology

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thermographie & Regulationsmedizin

European Association of Thermology

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Thermology international

Subscription necessary!Volume 30, 2020, Number 3


Publication Organ of the
European Association of Thermology (EAT)
American Academy of Thermology (AAT)
Brazilian Society of Thermology
Polish Association of Thermology
UK Thermography Association (Thermology Group)

Editor in Chief: Kurt Ammer, Vienna, Austria
Section Editor [Technical/Industrial Thermography]: Rod Thomas, Swansea, Wales, UK

Editorial Board
M. Brioschi, Sao Paolo A. DiCarlo, Rom T.D.Conwell, Denver J.Gabrhel, Trencin
S.Govindan, Wheeling K.J.Howell, London A.Jung, Warsaw J.B.Mercer, Tromsш
A. Seixas, Porto H. Usuki, Miki R.Vardasca, Santarem B. Wiecek, Lodz


  Instructions for authors
  Thermology international Vol 28 (2018), No. 1: 3
  Kurt Ammer
  Awareness of measurement uncertainty is the first step to reduce the uncertainty, but one can`t get rid of it
  Thermology international Vol 30 (2020), No.3: 81-82
  Subscription necessary!PDF
Case Report  
  Camila Planzo Sampaio, Carla Barreto Silva de Cerqueira, Juliana Borges de Lima Dantas, Márcia Maria Peixoto Leite, Alena Ribeiro Alves Peixoto Medrado
  About the Evolution of the Thermographic Profile In Breast Cancer - A Case Report
  Thermology international Vol 30 (2020), No.3: 83-88
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
Publication Review  
  Kevin Howell
  Care required in comparing thermographic methods to other thermological techniques
Review of an article by Maley MJ et al.; Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 10261
  Thermology international Vol 30 (2020), No.3: 89-9
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Original article  
  Fábio Marcon Alfieri, Caren da Silva Dias, Natália Cristina de Oliveira Vargas e Silva, Artur Cesar Aquino dos Santos, Linamara Rizzo Battistella
  Comparison of iOS smartphone-attached infrared camera and conventional FLIR camera for human temperature measurement: an agreement study
  Thermology international Vol 20 (2020), No.3: 91-96
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
News in Thermology  
  Graham Machin, Xiaofeng Lu, Dolores del Campo, Maria-Jose Martin, Igor Pusnik, Wang Li
  Global initiative to improve infrared-based body temperature measurement
  Thermology international Vol 20 (2020), No.3: 97
  Subscription necessary!PDF
  Meeting Calendar
  Thermology international Vol 29 (2019), No.3: 98-102
Second Announcement XVCongress of the European Association of Thermology 2021
  Thermology international Vol 29 (2019), No. 3: 103-109
Book advertisment "The Thermal Human Body-A Practical Guide to Thermal Imaging" by Kurt Ammer & Francis Ring
  Thermology international Vol 30 (2020), No.3: 110